The Smell & Taste Lab News
Our blog on industry news, trade shows, events, and anything you need to know
Two of our Abstracts Approved for IFSCC23 Congress!
The Smell & Taste Lab is proud to announce the approval of its 2 abstracts submitted to the IFSCC23 Congress ! Scientific Committee IFSCC Congress Barcelona 2023 has delivered its approval for our 2 studies on “The efficacy of intensive olfactory training with...

Vitafoods Europe 2023
A Swiss nutraceutical event organised by Are you curious to learn more about the nutraceutical industry ? Vitafoods Europe 2023 is a hybrid exhibition where you can discover the latest market trends, find new products and suppliers and discover new tastes and...

Music effect on cells’ development and functions
Music has an impact on our brain activity and influences our emotions. Did you know that music could have an effect on the cells’ development and functions ? ENNOVA Institute of Life Science and Technology in China has studied “Effects of different music on HEK293T...

The Smell and Taste Lab will be in Barcelona
4 DAYS TO COME The Smell and Taste Lab is pleased to announce that we will be present at @In-Cosmetics 2023 ! Do not miss this event to discover new ingredients, new process…and to share new trends, innovations from industry. A good opportunity to meet in person ! 🔍...

New well-ageing and neurocosmetics symposium for The Smell & Taste Lab
An event organised by and On May 24th we are celebrating the 20th anniversary of the Société Francophone d’Ingénierie et d’Imagerie Cutanée (SF2IC) ! 👩🏻🔬👨🏻🔬 On this occasion, a series of conferences on imaging, skin biometrology, clinical and preclinical tests will...

The Smell & Taste Lab keeps up to date on beauty and health care
New market trends and opportunities in personal care by Thank you very much Kline for sharing this new series of reports on the personal care active ingredients market enhanced by your experts ! Very rewarding to develop its business and position on the beauty market...

Prochaine édition du Congrès Olfaction & Perspectives 2024
Save the date ! Cette année, la nouvelle édition du Congrès Olfaction & Perspectives, organisé par @COSMETIC VALLEY en partenariat avec @ISIPCA aura lieu le 21 mars 2024. @The Smell & Taste Lab, avec @Anne Abriat, est fier de faire partie du comité...

CES 2023 – Great show with Beauty & Health Innovations !
#Health #Beauty #Innovation

IFSCC 2023 – Submissions
The Smell & Taste Lab will have the chance to participate to the 33rd IFSCC Congress in Barcelona from September 4th to 7th on the general theme “Rethinking Beauty Science” On that occasion, The Smell & Taste Lab is submitting two abstracts on the subtopics...

Happy New Year 2023!
The Smell & Taste Lab wishes you the very best Holiday season, filled with joy and happiness! May this time of year bring to you and your closed ones love and prosperity. Thank you for choosing The Smell & Taste Lab and putting your trust in our services...