*GDR O3= Groupe de Recherche Odorant, Olfaction, Odeur
Faits marquants
Groupe de Recherche fondamentale pluridisciplinaire avec interventions sciences humaines et neurosciences biologiques et chimiques, Bio informatiques…
Ouverture sur l’International avec 2 interventions étrangères Thomas Hummel Dresden Univ.et HIRO MATSUNAMI Duke Univ.
Session Olfaction et sciences humaines et sociales C.Jaquet
Annick Le Guerer Les pouvoirs de l’Odeur
- Parfum -remède
- Parfum Symboles i.e Parfum des Anges pour enfants atteint de maladies graves par l’Institut du Parfum
- Parfum Mémoire – Garches, Maison de retraites
- Education & Culture, Nez en herbe…
Le 21s. est le siècle du Sensoriel et des Odeurs
Joël Candau Félicité & Adversité olfactive ? L’effet Treuth
On peut sentir, goûter et si on en fait rien….
« Effet Teuth = effet google= effet qui ne sert à rien »
Eleonore de Bonneval UK Photographer & Artist
Smell A mute & invisible sense
How to visually represent the loss of smell and engage with the audience?
Step 1
Engaging with people
Step 2
Social connection for anosmia
Not all anosmia people have the same degree of sufferance
“Living through a glass”
Musée International de la Parfumerie
To work on collective memory, grass, French TV
Olfactory memories put into words
Hospital St Louis: Library of Smells
1 to 3 hours interview with patient
Olfactory journey
Autobiographic memory vs collective memory
Individual and group training
Collective memory: memory of war; rubber Plastic mask
Personal memory: Kiss
Session : Doctorants / Post Doctorants
Session : Rencontres Public & Privé
Xavier Fernandez
- Intérêts de chacun des parties
- Formes de collaboration
La France paradis fiscal de la Recherche ?
Cyrille Santerre ISIPCA
Proposition de Prestations de services
ARYBALLE Technologies Romain Dubreuil
Société de Capteurs d’odeurs
Transduction du système Signature
Traduction des odeurs en image NeOseBrain
Session 3 – Edith PAJOT INRA Olfactory & Physiology
A diverse repertoire of ORs is activated by a given odor
Identification OR repertoire responding to a variety of odorants will form a platform of the peripheral odor coding in mammals.
Functional characterization of the OR repertoire in a crop pest insect Nicolas Montagné Iees Paris
Insects have a low number of OR, 60 ORs known
20 OF 35 of tested ORs responded to at least one odorant, 17 ORs have been deorphanized in S.littoralis
In vivo first time: In silico potential agonist and antagonist
Isabelle Denis et Patrice Congar INRA
Metabolic state controls astroglial plasticity in the olfactory bulb glomerumi of rats
Olfactory signals then Astroglial retraction/plasticity then Fasting Then Astroglyal spreading & Fed state
On the impact of olfactory loss – Prof.Thomas Hummel University of Dresden
How good is the human sense of smell?
Role of the Sense of Smell in Human
- Emotional function
- Social function – Sex/ Partnership security with your partner women vs men
- Pleasure in eating and drinking
Impact of no sense no Smell
Pathways of depression in olfactory disorders
Impact of Olfactive Training
Smell seems to help aged people on cognitive people; Approach to the brain
Pour en savoir plus: