To illustrate the n°1 Switzerland in Innovation (WIPO Ranking)

Today The Smell & Taste Lab would like to put Switzerland and its know-how in the spotlight!
Focus on a Swiss start-up specialized in diagnostic with expertise in neuroscience, microbiology, genetics, clinical diagnostics and sales that uses science for Well-being.
Vitalizex founded by Lavinia Alberi Auber (CEO) decided to exploit saliva, a rich biological fluid yet unexploited biological data, to provide specialized treatments according to the consumer’s biological parameters. 💧🧬💊
The 2-months old start-up has recently launched a ready to market salivary hormones diagnostics capturing global health parameters such as stress, strength, vitality or women’s health and provides corresponding personalized treatment. 📊
Soon clients will be able to be followed up in their wellness journey through the Vitalizedx Mobile App.
👉🏼 For more information:
Congratulations Vitalizex and we’ll keep an eye on your progress!
As a reminder, Switzerland 🇨🇭 is still the leader in the ranking established by the World Intellectual Property Organization.
Looking forward to discovering new SMEs (Small & Medium-sized enterprises) at the WIPO Awards Ceremony in Geveva in July 2023!
#Switzerland #Swiss #Startup #Innovation #Biotechnology #Neuroscience #Microbiology #Genetics #Clinical #Diagnostic #Wellbeing #Saliva #Stress #Vitality #Woman #Health #Treatment #WIPO #Ranking #Leader